Proper storage equipment is important in the world of fermentation as it directly influences the quality and safety of your creations. Using dedicated storage equipment ensures controlled airflow and protection from external contaminants. This prevents unwanted spoilage, encourages the growth of beneficial cultures, and ultimately leads to delicious, wholesome ferments.
Storage Bottle?
Investing in the right storage tools is an investment in the success of your fermentation endeavors.
ingression of dust, small insects
growth of mold on the surface
drinks becoming flat and losing flavour
the continued growth of good bacteria
preserve flavour and aroma
maintain carbonation in drinks
extended shelf life
Experience the convenience and reliability of our storage equipment.
Glass Jar
Wide-mouth glass jars are easy to use and clean. Glass is a non-reactive material that does not interact with fermented food, preserving its flavor and preventing contamination. The transparency allows effective monitoring.
Bioplastic materials
The storage lid is crafted from bioplastic, an eco-friendly material that supports sustainable practices while maintaining durability.
Silicone airtight lid
The plastic lid with silicone disc ensures an airtight seal. When gases accumulate in a bottle soft silicone material can adapt and prevent bottle explosion.
Fermentation Tracker
Stay in control of your fermentation process with the fermentation tracker feature. Easily monitor and manage the duration of storing your ferments to avoid spoilage.
Storage lid is available as stand-alone or in a set with Kefirko bottle.
The Storage lid is compatible only with Kefirko bottles.
used for vinegar production and functions well and is good to clean.
Rated 5 out of 5
Anonimno –
Rated 5 out of 5
Laura Jelić –
Rated 5 out of 5
Mirjana Oražem –
I am satisfied with them. They are beautiful and practical.
Rated 5 out of 5
Anonym –
Rated 4 out of 5
Anonymous –
Rated 5 out of 5
Daniel Bezjak –
Rated 5 out of 5
Dayna G. –
Perfect! Exactly what we wanted. Good quality
Rated 5 out of 5
Ivan Mihaljević –
Rated 5 out of 5
Jan Čermák –
Rated 5 out of 5
Jan Čermák –
Rated 5 out of 5
Anja Gostinčar –
Rated 5 out of 5
Darja Zupančič –
Rated 5 out of 5
Alexander Timchenko –
Good quality. Good thing is that containers and caps are inter-changeable, which adds more flexibility to kefir making process.
Rated 5 out of 5
Erika –
Excellent service and products 👍 🙏
Rated 5 out of 5
Kenney De Saedeleer –
Rated 5 out of 5
Laurie M. –
Rated 5 out of 5
Anonimno –
Rated 3 out of 5
Sandra –
Okej, ampak iskreno nakup ni bil potreben. Vsak steklen kozarec je primeren.
Rated 5 out of 5
Teja gogate –
Rated 5 out of 5
Anonymous –
Storage is storage, does what it should do.
Rated 5 out of 5
Tadeja –
Rated 4 out of 5
Anonimno –
Dobro služi svojemu namenu, v osnovi nekoliko širši kozarec za vlaganje, ki je isti kot pri fermentorju, s plastičnim pokrovom s silikonsko membrano, ki preprečuje, da bi kozarec med shranjevanjem razneslo.
Minus je edino ta, da pokrov ni pralen v pomivalnem stroju.
Verjetno bi bilo smiselno, če bi za ceno 40 € prodajalec ponudil komplet treh kozarcev in 3 pokrovov: za fermentacijo, za sekundarno fermentacijo in za shranjevanje. Fermentacija poteka v prvem kozarcu, nato se vsebina precedi v drugi kozarec in zapre s pokrovom za sekundarno fermentacijo, v prvi kozarec pa se natoči novo mleko. Če se po sekundarni fermentaciji ne porabi vse vsebine, se kozarec zapre s pokrovom za shranjevanje, v tretji kozarec pa se zopet precedi fermentirana vsebina iz fermentorja itd.
Rated 5 out of 5
Anonymous –
Great glassware as always. Lid is a good seal, just wish there were more colour options.
Mirjana Oražem –
Good thing.
Anonimno –
Anonymous –
used for vinegar production and functions well and is good to clean.
Anonimno –
Laura Jelić –
Mirjana Oražem –
I am satisfied with them. They are beautiful and practical.
Anonym –
Anonymous –
Daniel Bezjak –
Dayna G. –
Perfect! Exactly what we wanted. Good quality
Ivan Mihaljević –
Jan Čermák –
Jan Čermák –
Anja Gostinčar –
Darja Zupančič –
Alexander Timchenko –
Good quality. Good thing is that containers and caps are inter-changeable, which adds more flexibility to kefir making process.
Erika –
Excellent service and products 👍 🙏
Kenney De Saedeleer –
Laurie M. –
Anonimno –
Sandra –
Okej, ampak iskreno nakup ni bil potreben. Vsak steklen kozarec je primeren.
Teja gogate –
Anonymous –
Storage is storage, does what it should do.
Tadeja –
Anonimno –
Dobro služi svojemu namenu, v osnovi nekoliko širši kozarec za vlaganje, ki je isti kot pri fermentorju, s plastičnim pokrovom s silikonsko membrano, ki preprečuje, da bi kozarec med shranjevanjem razneslo.
Minus je edino ta, da pokrov ni pralen v pomivalnem stroju.
Verjetno bi bilo smiselno, če bi za ceno 40 € prodajalec ponudil komplet treh kozarcev in 3 pokrovov: za fermentacijo, za sekundarno fermentacijo in za shranjevanje. Fermentacija poteka v prvem kozarcu, nato se vsebina precedi v drugi kozarec in zapre s pokrovom za sekundarno fermentacijo, v prvi kozarec pa se natoči novo mleko. Če se po sekundarni fermentaciji ne porabi vse vsebine, se kozarec zapre s pokrovom za shranjevanje, v tretji kozarec pa se zopet precedi fermentirana vsebina iz fermentorja itd.
Anonymous –
Great glassware as always. Lid is a good seal, just wish there were more colour options.
Andrzej –
Fit the purpose well
Anonimno –